Why Electric Pressure Cookers Beat Stovetop Cookers

Top 5 Reasons Why Electric Pressure Cookers Beat Stove-top Cookers

You’ve seen all the latest hype on pressure cookers. We’re sure you’ve heard of InstaPot and several other similar pressure cooker options that help cook your meals in one single pot and in a reduced timeframe.

These pots are so nice! Many people have also seen stovetop pressure cookers, in fact, maybe that’s what you use in your own home. Electric pressure cookers certainly win in the race to determine which pressure cooker type is better but the question is why?

Why Electric Pressure Cookers Beat Stovetop Cookers

We have for you the top 5 reasons why electric pressure cookers beat stovetop cookers every time.

1. Set it & Go

While stovetop cookers can be really useful for browning purposes and can even potentially cook faster, they are not self-sufficient. When you choose to use a stovetop cooker, you can easily plan it out but it requires babysitting.
With a stovetop pressure cooker, you have to be able to monitor it, after all, your stovetop is on and operating. With an electric pressure cooker, you can set it and forget it. Electric pressure cookers are much more simple to work within that manner.

You won’t have to play around and figure out the specific settings nearly as much. The electric pressure cookers do most of that for you. With a stovetop cooker, it may make adjustments and constant adaptation or monitoring for good results.

2. What’s That Noise?

Stovetop pressure cookers can quickly become noisy specimens. They are not always noise but you can expect that the steam release for a stovetop pressure cooker will probably be louder than that of the electric pressure cooker, particularly if there is a lot of steam to vent.

The noise is not deafening but it certainly can be an annoyance. With electric pressure cookers, the noise of the steam release is heavily reduced with just occasional whistling for the most part.

3. Resources Galore

The nice thing about making the change to an electric pressure cooker is the availability of tons of resources. With the rise in popularity, you can find tons of tips, tricks, and recipes across the board.

With an electric pressure cooker, you can even use custom recipes via apps and you can find any number of recipe sites to help you know every little detail about your pressure cooker.

You will never want for anything when it comes to resources and information. While there is information available for stovetop cookers, it’s much harder to find. Stovetop cookers have been around for a long time but they certainly were not a fad at any time that we can lean on Google, social media, apps, and blogs for information.

4. Narrow Down Your Appliances

Your countertop is probably overflowing with all of the latest amazing electric appliances. Where would you even store or use an electric pressure cooker? We have a solution! An electric pressure cooker can easily replace several of them.

Store away your rice cooker and your slow cooker and say hello to your new best friend! The electric pressure cooker can easily replace those and possibly more!

A stovetop pressure cooker will probably not replace these items as easily. Then, there comes the issue of finding where to store your stovetop cooker when you’re not using it. Stovetop cookers tend to be rather large and bulky so finding appropriate storage might be a challenge.

5. Simple Convenience

This is perhaps the most notable thing that sets apart the electric pressure cooker from the stovetop pressure cooker. There is simply no match for the simplicity and convenience of the electric pressure cooker.

It sits on your counter easily. You can leave it there as a permanent location or you can find a place to store it. You don’t have to deal with the heat of the stove or the act of hauling out an overly huge and heavy pan only to have to figure out all the settings for whatever you’re making.

The electric pressure cooker can be ideal for times when cooking appliances are limited. Consider a college student or an extended travel option.

Hands down, the convenience sets the electric pressure cooker apart as the winner.

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